crowd of around 100 people seated in the lake springfield boat house

More than 100 residents gather

More than 100 people living near Springfield Lake Park and the James River Power Plant gathered Oct. 12 to learn more about a planning process just getting underway. Steve Prange, with Crawford, Murphy, Tilly (CMT), the consulting firm hired to assist the City with the plan, and City Principal Planner in the department of economic vitality Olivia Hough, co-led the discussion which included an overview of the scope of the planning process and an invitation to complete a resident survey. Comments cards were also collected and will be shared with the planning team and the public. Mayor Ken McClure was on hand to kick things off. 

The general public is invited to learn more at a meeting 5-7 p.m., Nov. 17 at the Springfield Art Museum, 1111 W. Brookside Dr. The original plan was to host this public kickoff at the Lake Springfield Boathouse, but judging from the level of interest at the residents’ meeting, organizers chose the larger venue at the Art Museum.

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